Wednesday, October 29, 2014


just wrapping up two hours of working on the game, revamping a lot of my implementation for the map and db first.  The first test npc, Bob Johnson, is in my starting test map, ready to be loaded up and start acting like an npc (so I have test data in place).  Next will be confirming I have the new save file and load save file code working, and making an official create_seed_db method on the game object (which grabs all the map files and their objects and the objects' properties and throws everything into a "seed db" to start new games from).

After that will be working on updating all the db objects for the current map when the current map is unloaded.  Shouldn't be difficult, just time consuming.

Once that's done, NPC behavior and the start of the battle testing.  The game has been switched to a strategic hack n slash instead of the pseudo turn based thing I was going for.  hack n slash should be easier, since I have the cymunk library backing me up in the cocos2d game library's collision.

until tomorrow or whenever I feel like updating again!  

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